William Bourdon
William Bourdon, a member of the Paris Bar since 1980, is a founding partner of the law firm Bourdon & Associés. His main areas of practice are criminal business law, economic criminal law and international criminal law. From 1995 to 2000, Bourdon was Secretary-General of the Federation internationale des droits de l’homme (Human Rights International Federation). In 2001, he founded the SHERPA Association which seeks to bring international financial and environmental criminals to justice and secure reparation for their victims. He has been a key speaker at international conferences and written several articles and books on issues of international justice, public law and penal law, financial crime, terrorism, freedom of expression, international public law, money laundering, ecological crimes, the statute of whistleblowers, and human rights, including La Cour pénale internationale, Le Statut de Rome (International Criminal Court, The Rome Statute), Editions du Seuil, 2000; Face aux crimes du marché – Quelles armes juridiques pour les citoyens? (Facing Economic Crimes – What Legal Tools for Citizens?), Editions La Découverte, 2009; Petit Manuel de Désobéissance citoyenne, Editions Lattès, 2014; and Les dérives de l'état d'urgence (The Abuse of the State of Emergency), Editions Plon, 2017.
Titler i salg
Område og fag

Making Transparency Possible
An Interdisciplinary DialogueRoy Krøvel og Mona Thowsen (red.)ISBN 9788202637491HeftetAkademisk

Making Transparency Possible
An Interdisciplinary DialogueRoy Krøvel og Mona ThowsenISBN 9788202595326Open AccessAkademisk