Mari Rysst
Mari Rysst is professor in social science/social anthropology at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Department of Social Work and Guidance. She is director of two PhD programmes: the programme titled Children and Youth Participation and Competence Development (BUK) and the Health and Welfare programme. She also teaches at MA and PhD levels. Rysst holds a part time position at SIFO/Oslo Metropolitan University. Her professional interests are children, youth, consumption, gender, ethnicity, race and social inclusion/exclusion.
Titler i salg
Område og fag
Child Welfare and the Significance of Family
Halvor Nordby, Grethe Netland and Astrid Halsa (Eds.)Engelsk2024
ISBN 9788202834838HeftetAkademisk
ISBN 9788202834838HeftetAkademisk
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Child Welfare and the Significance of Family
Halvor Nordby, Grethe Netland and Astrid Halsa (Eds.)Engelsk2023
ISBN 9788202801229Open AccessAkademisk
ISBN 9788202801229Open AccessAkademisk
Verdier i barnevern
Halvor Nordby og Astrid Halsa (red.)Bokmål2020
ISBN 9788202624293Open AccessAkademisk
ISBN 9788202624293Open AccessAkademisk
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