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Debra Myhill
Debra Myhill is Professor of Education and Director of the Centre for Research in Writing at the University of Exeter, UK, which promotes inter-disciplinary research, drawing on psychological, socio-cultural and linguistic perspectives on writing. Her research interests focus principally on writing and the teaching of writing, particularly linguistic and metalinguistic development, the composing processes involved in writing, the talk-writing relationship, and creative writing. Underpinning this research is the principle that literacy, especially writing, is a pathway to empowerment. Over the past twenty years, she has led a series of research projects in these areas, in both primary and secondary schools.
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Skriveutvikling og skrivevansker
Kari-Anne B. Næss og Hilde Christine Hofslundsengen (red.)Bokmål2022
ISBN 9788202694319HeftetAkademisk
ISBN 9788202694319HeftetAkademisk

Skriveutvikling og skrivevansker
Hilde Christine Hofslundsengen og Kari-Anne B. Næss (red.)Bokmål2022
ISBN 9788202765804EbokAkademisk
ISBN 9788202765804EbokAkademisk
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