Daniel Henry Øvrebø
Daniel Henry Øvrebø (PhD), a research fellow at the University of Agder at the time the chapters were written, is currently working as research adviser at Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. He has studied music performance at the University of Agder and the University of Music Wuerzburg, Germany. He also studied art history, German language and culture, and musicology at the University of Bergen, Norway. His PhD project ‘Performative Arts Based Audience Research’ investigates audience reception through his own performances of high modernist flute music. Further information: https://www.oslomet.no/om/ansatt/danielhe/
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Views on Early Music as Representation
Invitations, Congruity, PerformanceRobin Rolfhamre og Elin Angelo (Eds.)Bokmål2022
ISBN 9788202756192HeftetAkademisk
ISBN 9788202756192HeftetAkademisk
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Views on Early Music as Representation
Invitations, Congruity, PerformanceRobin Rolfhamre og Elin Angelo (Eds.)Engelsk2022
ISBN 9788202755379Open AccessAkademisk
ISBN 9788202755379Open AccessAkademisk