NY UTGAVE for FAGFORNYELSEN. This is the fourth edition of Twinkle Twinkle – Engelsk 1-4, a book about how teachers and student teachers can support young children as they learn English. Twinkle Twinkle takes Kunnskapsløftet 2020 as its starting point, and discusses how to build children’s language skills, and how to encourage learners, whatever their background, to be confident and curious users of English. In this new edition, Twinkle Twinkle aims to make theory and research as accessible and relevant as possible, while offering plenty of practical suggestions to teachers and students teachers involved with English in Years 1-4.
Twinkle Twinkle
Andre formater
Juliet Munden
Juliet Munden is docent emeritus at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. She has taught English at secondary schools in Norway and Kenya, and worked with teacher education in Norway, Namibia, Papua New Guinea, Eritrea and Zambia. She is the author of workbooks, a textbook series for English learners in primary school, and three professional textbooks in English didactics for teacher education. Her PhD and research publications have focused on reading didactics and on curriculum development in a national and comparative perspective.
Mer om Juliet Munden
Astrid Myhre
Astrid Myhre has worked in Norwegian grunnskole for thirty years, teaching English and training student teachers. She has also been a lecturer in English at Hedmark University College and at Newcastle University. She has extensive experience of in-service training, and has run numerous courses for teachers of English in Norway.
Mer om Astrid Myhre