Jan Mouritsen is a professor in the Department of Operations Management at Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark. Mouritsen’s interests concern the role of management technologies and management control in various organisational and social contexts. His research focuses on the sociology of calculative arrangements and the constitution of organisations, values and production drawing on practice based theory. His interests include intellectual capital and knowledge management, technology management, operations management and management control. He has published in journals including Accounting, Organizations and Society; Management Accounting Research; Scandinavian Journal of Management; Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal and Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Key research publications include Kornberger, Martin; Pflueger, Dane & Mouritsen, Jan: Evaluative Infrastructures: Accounting for Platform Organization, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 2017, 60(7): 79-95. Mouritsen, Jan & Kreiner, Kristian: Accounting, Decisions and Promises, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 2016, 49 (1): 21-31. Mouritsen, J. & Thrane, S., 'Accounting, Network Complementarities and the Development of Inter-organisational Relations' in Accounting, Organizations and Society (2006, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 241-275).