Siri Wiig
Siri Wiig holds a PhD, MSc, and is a Professor of Quality and Safety in Healthcare Systems at the Faulty of Health Sciences at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway. She is part of the research center SHARE - Centre for Resilience in Healthcare, UiS. Key research interests are resilience in healthcare, patient safety, quality improvement, user involvement, human factors, risk regulation, leadership, learning, socio-technical systems, and welfare technology. Wiig has been member of two national public commissions reporting to the Ministry of Health and Care Services (2013-2015) and the Ministry of Defence (2015-2016).
Titler i salg
Område og fag
Medication Safety in Municipal Health and Care Services
Rose Mari Olsen og Hege Sletvold (Eds.)Engelsk2022
ISBN 9788202781385HeftetAkademisk
ISBN 9788202781385HeftetAkademisk
Produseres på bestilling. Sendes fra oss i løpet av 1–2 uker.
Medication Safety in Municipal Health and Care Services
Rose Mari Olsen og Hege Sletvold (Eds.)Engelsk2022
ISBN 9788202738792Open AccessAkademisk
ISBN 9788202738792Open AccessAkademisk
Interaction: 'Samhandling' Under Risk
A Step Ahead of the UnforeseenGlenn-Egil Torgersen (red.)Engelsk2019
ISBN 9788202636296HeftetAkademisk
ISBN 9788202636296HeftetAkademisk
Produseres på bestilling. Sendes fra oss i løpet av 1–2 uker.
Interaction: 'Samhandling' Under Risk
A Step Ahead of the UnforeseenGlenn-Egil Torgersen (red.)Engelsk2018
ISBN 9788202535025Open AccessAkademisk
ISBN 9788202535025Open AccessAkademisk