Per Øystein Saksvik
Per Øystein Saksvik has been a professor at the Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology since 2001. He received his PhD in 1991 in Occupational Health Psychology from the same institution. He has ten years of experience as a contract researcher. He does research in occupational health and safety, organizational interventions, sickness absenteeism and presenteeism, and organizational change.
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Interaction: 'Samhandling' Under Risk
A Step Ahead of the UnforeseenGlenn-Egil Torgersen (red.)Engelsk2019
ISBN 9788202636296HeftetAkademisk
ISBN 9788202636296HeftetAkademisk
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Interaction: 'Samhandling' Under Risk
A Step Ahead of the UnforeseenGlenn-Egil Torgersen (red.)Engelsk2018
ISBN 9788202535025Open AccessAkademisk
ISBN 9788202535025Open AccessAkademisk