Heli Aaltonen

Heli Aaltonen

Heli Aaltonen PhD is associate professor of Drama and Theatre Studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She is a youth theatre researcher, performing storyteller and theatre/drama educator with a specialization in applied theatre practices, practice as research method, and encounters between ecology and performative art forms. She leads a research project – Performing Arts and Sustainability – in her department. She was a co-editor and writer in the last Nordic Drama magazine (2/2020), which had a focus on sustainability.

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  • Theatre and Democracy av Ayanda Khala, Bjørn Rasmussen og Petro Janse Van Vuuren (Heftet)

    Theatre and Democracy

    Building Democracy in Post-war and Post-democratic ContextsPetro Janse Van Vuuren, Bjørn Rasmussen og Ayanda Khala
    ISBN 9788202720803
    Produseres på bestilling. Sendes fra oss i løpet av 1–2 uker.
  • Theatre and Democracy av Ayanda Khala, Bjørn Rasmussen og Petro Janse Van Vuuren (Open Access)

    Theatre and Democracy

    Building Democracy in Post-war and Post-democratic ContextsPetro Janse Van Vuuren, Bjørn Rasmussen and Ayanda Khala (eds.)
    ISBN 9788202711825
    Open AccessAkademisk
  • Teaterproduksjon av Vigdis Aune og Cecilie Haagensen (Open Access)


    Ti produksjonsestetiske inngangerVigdis Aune og Cecilie Haagensen (red.)
    ISBN 9788202590253
    Open AccessAkademisk