Gentian Zyberi
Gentian Zyberi is a Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. Professor Zyberi has over 20 years of professional work experience in international law. His practice of international law includes work before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (2004–2012) and the International Court of Justice (2009), as a member of the UN Human Rights Committee (2019–2022), and as a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, the Netherlands (2016–2028). Professor Zyberi has done research, has published and has taught in the areas of international human rights, international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and public international law at various universities in the Netherlands, Albania, China, the US, Kosovo, and Norway. His research interests include the role of international courts and tribunals in developing international law; the protection of community interests in international law; and, transitional justice processes, especially in the Balkans.
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Collection of Selected Materials on International Humanitarian Law
Law of Armed ConflictGentian Zyberi (ed.)ISBN 9788202846428HeftetAkademisk